Category: Air Filters
AC Maintenance
3 Easy Ways to Keep Your AC Clean
Your air conditioner is an appliance that you should be able to depend on all summer long. With regular professional maintenance and good air conditioner practice, it should provide you with comfortable temperatures and very few malfunctions. But, is there anything else you should be doing to make sure it is running at its peak? […]
AC Repair
3 Common AC Repairs
Summers in Indiana can be pretty unbearable if you don’t have a reliable way to keep your home cool and comfortable. The temperatures start to soar and if your air conditioning isn’t able to keep up, you and your family will be pretty miserable. So how do you make sure your system is up to […]
The Sounds of a Failing Furnace
With winter in full swing here in Indianapolis, it’s important to be sure your furnace is running at full capacity. The last thing you need is for your furnace to stall just as the next winter storm hits. A great way to ensure your furnace is functioning properly is by listening to it. If you […]